Sunday, 22 April 2012

Should You Make A Medical Negligence Claim?

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When we have been mistreated by a medical professional we are entitled to compensation via a medical negligence claim. However, many people are reluctant to make such a claim. There are a number of reasons for this.

Not Knowing Your Rights

Some people aren't even aware that they are entitled to make a medical negligence claim if they have been mistreated, misdiagnosed or received poor care. Of course, the medical profession isn't going to shout about the fact and so patients are largely unaware of their rights. It IS the case, though, that if you have suffered because of poor treatment then you CAN make a claim.

Not Knowing If You Qualify

A lot of people are understandably unsure if they qualify for medical negligence compensation. It is a complicated area of law but if you feel you have suffered physical or mental symptoms as a result of poor care, misdiagnosis, poor treatment or even bad advice then it is worth contacting a medical negligence solicitor so they can review your case and advise you accordingly.

They will establish if the person or institution had a duty of care towards you, whether or not they failed in that duty of care and the level of suffering you have experienced. All of this will help determine if you have a case or not and what level of compensation the solicitor will seek on your behalf.

If you do have a case they will then be able to progress medical negligence claims on your behalf and you can look forward to some level of compensation that will aid you in your recovery.

Feeling Guilty About Suing

Medical practitioners are, in the main, people we trust. This especially applies to GPs and midwives but even they can make mistakes. However, because of the trust we put in them and the often close relationship we can have with them some people find it very difficult to bring a claim when a mistake is made.

We don't want to think that we'll be ruining the career of a GP we've known all our lives or a midwife that had done a great job but made one small mistake. This is perfectly understandable, but it doesn't change the fact that there is still a case for medical negligence and the compensation that can follow.

Patients should remember that they won't be receiving their compensation directly out of the pockets of their GPs or other medical people, they will be paid out of the substantial insurance that every medical professional has. It is also unlikely that any careers will be ruined unless the mistake was incredibly serious and the professional is deemed unable to do their job - in which case, you are doing future patients a favour by removing them from harm.

Whatever your feelings about the likelihood of having a case or doubts about suing, speak to a specialist medical negligence solicitor to get the best advice there is and to ensure that you you receive the correct level of compensation should it be determined that you have, indeed, suffered from some kind of medical mistake.

Ben Greenwood is writing on behalf of Pearson Hinchliffe, clinical negligence solicitors and experts in medical negligence claims for compensation.

View the original article here

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